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Love Theo (Dark Reserves 1.5) Page 2

  Theo climbed to his feet and licked his lips, tasting his cum. "Do I look like some modern splatter painting?" Theo grinned, and Dan couldn't help but burst out laughing.

  "Mm. You're the sexiest piece of artwork I've ever laid eyes on. That was...."

  "Yup," Theo agreed and he started lathering up Dan's chest with the vanilla shower gel. "We'll sleep so much better now too. See? My idea was good."

  Dan smirked, but didn't move, enjoying the sensation of Theo's silky hands and of how relaxed his entire body felt.

  "You're lucky you have such an understanding Daddy. Being the brat that you are."

  "Oh, you love it!"

  Flying High

  The flight was nicer than any Theo had ever been on in his life. Dan was full of surprises, the latest being the business class tickets he'd bought them. He'd always wondered if it was better and it turned out business class was a lot nicer than economy.

  "How did you afford this?" Theo had asked, but Dan simply grinned and sipped his whiskey. "I saved up and it's all good. Just sit back and enjoy."

  The flight had been a welcome distraction from the stress that had preceded it in the departures lounge. They'd arrived on time, checked in their baggage and then at the last minute Dan had ran off, remembering that he needed to buy a European outlet adapter. Theo had started queuing in the long line for security, but it had moved fast and before he knew it, he was star-fishing and buzzing his way through the metal detectors.

  That was bad enough, including the overzealous pat-down by the security agent but then his name sounded over the intercom. He couldn't make out exactly what it said so he asked one of the TSA agents and they pointed over to a row of tables with luggage opened and contents strewn across.

  "You've got to be kidding me," he had muttered as he made his way over, spotting his luggage bag which had been hauled onto one of the tables for a random security search. He was standing there, shoe-less and frazzled by the time Dan appeared by his side after breezing through the security checks.

  "What's going on?"

  Theo rolled his eyes. "I've won today's lotto of random security check. My prize is having my underpants tossed about on this table for all to see."

  Dan smirked and Theo twitched at the stern look the TSA agent gave him as he unzipped his case and riffled through the clothes he'd packed. Okay, packed was an exaggeration. Stuffed in was probably more precise. Still, he'd had some order on them, and now they were being dumped into a heap.

  He felt Dan's hand rest on his shoulder, and he leaned into it, needing the comfort he was offering up. There was something about having Dan there, supporting him like he always did and literally having his back, that made everything so much easier. He breathed deep, inhaling Dan's cologne and smiled, lost in thoughts of all that they'd be doing on their trip.

  Then to his horror, he noticed the agent lift out the two toiletry bags from his case. Theo stiffened and mentally begged for them to put them back. One bag contained the usual: his toothbrush, cologne, shower gel and his face cream that he'd splurged on at Christmas in the hope of looking twenty-four for at least another decade. The other bag contained several objects that he did not want a stranger to look at, let alone have them unpacked and examined in front of the queue of people to their right and the other unfortunate random baggage owners to the left.

  "You okay? You seem tense?" Dan whispered, rubbing Theo's shoulder.

  "Mm. I'm fine." He watched as the TSA agent unzipped the first toiletry bag, peered inside and quickly put it aside. Theo was midway through a relieved sigh when to his horror the agent picked up the other bag and started to unzip it.

  "No, no, no" Theo said under his breath and Dan looked at him quizzically. Theo sucked his lips in as he watched the agent's expression change before upturning the bag, letting all the items tumble out onto the counter. The two anal plugs fell out first, clattering against the plastic surface of the desk, closely followed by the cotton candy flavored lube they both loved. Next to fall into view was the new cock-ring he'd bought especially for the trip.

  Dan stopped rubbing his back and let out a laugh.

  Theo closed his eyes, unable to watch his sex life spread across the table for all to see. The sound of the TSA agent coughing for attention forced him to open his eyes and he groaned, wanting the ground to swallow him up. A pair of red lace panties dangled between his gloved fingers and he grinned, looking like he had discovered the biggest drug haul ever. That bastard.

  Right on cue, Dan tilted his head, staring at the panties and then at Theo with an expression of wonder. "They're new. I haven't seen you wear them." He said it before realizing what he was saying, and he stifled a laugh as Theo shook his head.

  "Yes, they are new. Thank you for pointing that out to me at this opportune time, Dan."

  "Sorry," Dan mouthed, his cheeks a little flushed. Theo was way beyond being embarrassed. He'd moved into no longer caring territory. Fuck them, he thought, eying up the red lace panties. "I have them in pink and blue, also." Theo directed the remark at the TSA agent and felt a little happier when he noticed the man's cheeks color.

  "Did you pack this bag yourself?" the TSA agent asked then, slowly piling the clothes bag into the bag.

  Theo's patience rapidly diminished. "No, no I didn't. Somebody wanted to use me as a sex toy and lace panties mule. I'm being forced to carry these things against my will. I don't even look good in those panties. I prefer the tiny silk ones with the suspenders."

  "So, you didn't pack this bag?"

  "Of course, I did."

  "But you just said you didn't?"

  Theo realized he was about to get himself into trouble. "I wasn't being serious. Do you really think someone's using me as a sex toy and lingerie mule? Really?"

  Dan stepped forward, shushing Theo and smiling politely at the TSA agent. "He packed the bag himself. He has a habit of trying to be funny but getting himself into trouble instead."

  Theo would have argued only Dan was completely right.

  The TSA agent's brows knitted together, and he cleared his throat. "Are you telling me you packed all of these items? Or that someone asked you to carry these for them?" His eyes shifted to the lace panties and then he lifted up the cock-ring in his gloved hand.

  Theo rolled his eyes. "I hope you know I'm going to have to sanitize that now. God knows what's been on this table."

  Dan coughed, attempting to cover up the laugh that had almost burst forth.

  The agent eyed it up suspiciously and then focused back on Theo. "Did you pack this bag? Yes or no?"

  Theo let out an exasperated sigh, his voice louder than he'd planned. "Yes, I packed it myself. All of it. The lube, the cock-ring and the lingerie. I'm a kinky fuck. Deal with it."

  The TSA agent smirked and scooped up the remaining items back into the case.

  "That's all. You can go and catch your flight now. Have a nice trip."

  Dan bit his lip, trying to hold back his laughter and he slid his hand around Theo's waist. "Nice to know you never change, baby. Always getting yourself into trouble with the law."

  Theo shook his head. "I'm mortified. The entire queue now knows the color of my panties and my preferred size of anal plug."


  From the business class seats to the chauffeured Mercedes that collected them, this trip was nothing like the cheap camping holidays Theo was used to. He had expected to stay at a nice hotel, Dan refusing to give him any details of where they were staying in order to keep it a surprise. Instead, the car drove them to a beautiful suburban area and down a tree lined Parisian boulevard, stopping outside a Haussmann apartment building.

  "We're here," Dan announced, looking a little sheepish.

  Theo followed him out of the car and in through the carved wood door. The hall was tiled, with an old cast iron and glass elevator and a staircase to the left. There was a concierge desk—currently unmanned—behind which a row of brass mailboxes gleamed.

  Dan led them up to the top
floor before producing a key from his coat pocket. He opened the door, revealing a large apartment that made Theo speechless. It was incredible and way more than they could afford.

  "First, I thought we were staying in a hotel. Second, this doesn't look like a rental property. How can you afford this? Did you win the lotto and not tell me? Is that the surprise? Because if it is, I want you to know I'm okay with it."

  "No. No lotto winnings and you're right, this isn't a rental."

  Theo looked around the room and sighed. "What's going on?"

  Dan was tipping the driver who had followed them up with their luggage and as he closed the door, he smiled, his gray eyes crinkling in the corners. The evening sun streamed into the room and lit up long triangles of pale-yellow light. Theo took a deep breath, the tiredness of the flight and the soft sunlight making him feel all fluffy and marshmallow-like inside. Dan looked gorgeous in that light, as though he belonged in the Parisian winter sun. He loved how sexy his Daddy was and the way Dan looked at him. He was looking at him that way right now, his eyes full of warmth—caring and loving.

  "I know you're not telling me something, but I'm too sleepy to care right now."

  Dan strode forward, pulling Theo into his arms and he hugged him tight. "It's my parents' place. They bought it years ago."

  "Wait, your parents just happen to have an apartment in Paris? Like, how? Why? What?"

  Dan chuckled and steered Theo over to the luxurious sofa. "My parents worked hard over the years and my father and uncle set up a business that did well. Very well."

  "You're rich, aren't you?"

  "No. I'm not. You know I'm not rich. I live a modest life and I work hard. My parents are wealthy. Not me."

  Theo giggled. "Dan, that's pretty much the same thing. Oh my god. This is crazy."

  "Are you angry with me? I didn't tell you because it doesn't affect my life. It's my parents’ money and it has no real bearing on my life. Not for now, anyway. I wasn't keeping it from you for any reason other than my own embarrassment."

  "Embarrassment?" Theo reached forward and took Dan's hand in his. "Why would you be embarrassed?"

  "Because believe it or not, growing up with wealthy parents didn't help me 'fit in' with a lot of people. We traveled a lot, and I had great adventures but really, all I wanted was to be at home hanging out with my friends. Not flying first class or eating in Michelin starred restaurants. So, I got in the habit of hiding that part of my life from people."

  "I can understand that. You're very down to earth so I know you wouldn't want people thinking of you a certain way. But you could have told me. I'd never judge you. And I'm not angry. I just can't believe it. This place is yours?" Theo looked around the glamorous apartment and grinned. It was nothing like their cute and cozy one-bed back in New York.

  Theo stood up, the information starting to sink in. His boyfriend was rich. Holy shit. He wandered around the room, taking in the contemporary art and elaborate furnishings.

  "So, where’s the bedroom?"

  Dan raised his eyebrows in surprise and folded his arms. "One track mind, kid. You're insatiable."

  "I meant so we can sleep. Or shower. I didn't mean whatever you're thinking right now."

  "Oh, I see, you're in a rush to try on those lace panties, are you? Come on, follow me."

  Theo rolled his eyes as Dan stood up, dragging him to his feet and leading him down a corridor with ornate paneling along the walls.

  Dan stopped at the end of the hall and pushed the door open into a large bedroom with parquet flooring, long white curtains and a beautifully dressed bed in crisp white linens.

  "This is my room, our room now." Dan looked a little tired and Theo reached up, tracing his fingers along his eyelashes.

  "It's perfect. So very French. Where's the bathroom?"

  "Right behind you." Dan reached past him and opened the door into the modern tiled bathroom, which had a huge freestanding bath with gold painted feet.



  "That's a pretty impressive bathtub. I wonder does it fit two?"

  Dan's eyebrows furrowed as he thought about it, "I have no idea. There's only one way to find out." The cheeky smile on Dan's face made Theo tingle all over.

  "I look forward to that. But right now," a huge yawn escaped from Theo and he shivered, cold from exhaustion. "I'm a little tired. Can we can stay here and rest for a while?"

  "Of course, kid. I was just about to suggest an early night. We've lots of sightseeing to do tomorrow."

  Seeing Sights

  The next morning, they woke early, showered and grabbed coffees and croissants from the patisserie across the street. Forty minutes later they were standing at the base of the Eiffel Tower and Dan was trying not to laugh as Theo stared up and then back at him with his mouth gaping open.

  "It's surreal. I can't believe I'm here." Theo grabbed his arm and squeezed tight, practically dancing on the spot.

  "It never gets old, though I have to admit that I didn't appreciate it as much when I was younger," Dan said.

  "I still can't believe you spent time here as a kid. You never said why you moved here."

  "No, I didn’t?"

  "Is that an answer or are you unsure?" Theo narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips.

  "No, I didn't know. I was fed up and just wanted to be back home with my friends."

  Dan realized there were so many things about his past that he hadn't told Theo. Good things, happy things and painful things. He had become so used to shutting himself off that he hadn't opened up to Theo. It hadn't been possible before Theo. But the past year had shown him that he could trust his boy and he needed to share all the parts of himself with him.

  They continued walking, Theo not asking any more questions and Dan knowing he needed to offer up some explanations willingly.

  "We moved here for a bit when I was nine. My mom needed to... she needed to get away from home. Stuff happened and she just couldn't be in the house anymore. So we moved here. Dad traveled a lot anyway for work, so it wasn't that difficult."

  Theo glanced over and nodded. "Go on."

  Dan reached out, taking Theo's warm hand in his and squeezing tight. "We moved back so I could attend high school, but Mom never really came home. She could never settle, always needing to be away from the place that held bad memories for her. For all of us."

  "Can I ask what happened?"

  Dan swallowed and tried to ignore the resistance that reared up within him. He needed to do this, to share all the parts of himself with Theo but it was difficult. He'd spent so long hiding it away that he wasn't sure how to let it out anymore. He'd locked a monster in the closet for so long, he couldn't remember how scary it was.

  "She got pregnant. It wasn't planned. I was so excited to have a little brother or sister. And then it... she was six months when she lost it."

  "I'm so sorry." Theo's voice was sincere and his eyes kind.

  "Thank you, Theo. It was hard on her and they didn't want to try for another baby, so she decided to travel. We became very close, and I have lots of happy memories of growing up. That was just a dark time because as a child, I didn't know how to make things better for her. Mom was hurting and I couldn't do anything."

  Theo stroked his cheek, his face pained. "That's so sad."

  "Come on, enough serious talk. I’ll fill you in on more of my boring past later. Right now, I want to show you the Louvre."

  Theo smiled and brushed his fingers across Dan’s lips. “Of course. Thank you for sharing. And yes, show me the art!”


  "It's not what I had expected?" Theo cocked his head to the side and his brow furrowed as he stared at the painting of the Mona Lisa. "I mean, it's nice and all. But it's small."

  "I know, but it's still amazing to see it in real life."

  Theo nodded towards the glass screen. "We may as well be looking at it through a computer screen."

  They spent another few minutes with the crowd in front
of the famous lady before making their way to the Egyptian artifacts exhibit.

  "Now this is amazing. I can't believe this is real." Theo stared into the glass cabinet, eying up the intricate design of a sarcophagus.

  "It's incredible, isn't it? Crazy to think how they were able to make all the beautiful jewelry and coffins and build the pyramids. I always wonder how they did it," Dan said, looking at a display of pottery and beautiful gold necklaces.

  "Isn't is obvious? They were aliens." Theo grinned and nudged his shoulder. "I wonder, were their cocks oversized like their skulls?"

  Dan chuckled and poked Theo in the ribs, keeping his voice low. "Boy, their skulls were the same as ours. And trust you to wonder how big their dicks were."

  Theo shrugged and continued along the display, stopping before several statues of cats. "Did you have cats growing up? We had three, and I tell you, they sure as hell think they are gods."

  "No, we didn't have any cats. We had a dog until..."

  "Mm? Until what?"

  Dan let out a sharp breath. "No, we traveled too much to have any pets."

  His mother had sent the dog away the same time she left the house. He closed his eyes for a moment before following Theo, grateful that he had someone so good in his life. The funny thing was, the happier he got, the more comfortable he felt with stirring up these old memories. Yes, they were scary, but it also felt like relief. The shedding of a heaviness that had blackened his heart. Theo was the light that scattered those shadows.

  "Are you hungry, kid?"

  "Always." Theo smiled and pointed towards the exit. "Coffee?"

  "I'm thinking lunch."

  They made their way back out through the museum and into the glass pyramid-shaped lobby, until they were back outside in the cold air. Tourists sat by the fountains as pigeons scavenged for treats.

  "I know a nice little place five minutes from here. Best croque monsieur in Paris."

  "What's that?" Theo wrapped his scarf loosely around his neck and shoved his hands into his coat pockets.